Xbrick® as a stage element

The Theater-AG of the Schickhardt-Gymnasium Herrenberg has been working with Xbrick® as a flexible stage module since 2023. Here is a field report:

Xbrick® for art!

It is obvious that Xbrick® is suitable as flexible seating in outdoor classrooms and for group work. Especially in the hot summer months, the flexible furniture can be taken outside to make lessons more varied.

But the Xbrick® are even more talented than you might think at first glance! The handle openings and low weight make them the perfect stage elements for school theater performances.

Creating space for imagination and creativity

Today’s theater pedagogy no longer relies on traditional stage sets and ornate backdrops, but instead requires simple elements that are suitable for free improvisation and spontaneous play on several levels and offer room for imagination.

Whether as a deck chair on the beach, an armchair in the office or a waiting bench at the bus station: With the Xbrick® and just a little imagination, theater spaces can be created that are quickly assembled and disassembled and can be “occupied” by several theater players at the same time.

Uncomplicated use

The material is very stable, so you can stand on an Xbrick® safely. If you now put the various elements together with the X-conn connecting elements, literally nothing can go wrong during the theater performance… You also don’t have to worry that the Xbrick® won’t work would be robust enough. When setting up and dismantling the stage, the blocks can even be thrown without causing damage – relatively quietly and without risk of injury.

Unlimited possibilities

The theater group at the Schickhardt-Gymnasium has now been working with the elements for the second season. The players and the management are completely enthusiastic about the flexibility, stability and unlimited possibilities of the Xbrick®.
One student said: “They are so simple and ingenious, you can do so much with them! … We need more of them.”