Moving learning
In a society that is constantly evolving and changing, it is crucial that our education systems also keep pace. We are currently experiencing a real change in the didactic discourse, which is increasingly turning to the concept of a moving school. This is also due to the general growing awareness of physical and mental health.
This movement means more than just a supplement to traditional physical education – it is a transformation of the entire school day.
Schools are not just learning spaces, but living spaces for adolescents, and everyday school life is becoming more important, especially with the introduction of all-day schools Influence on the development of young people. As grade levels increase, sitting time often increases while exercise and social interactions decrease.

Moving Classroom

It is time to counteract this development and put movement at the center of the school concept. The importance of physical activity in everyday learning is undisputed from both a learning theory and a medical perspective, although the abolition of static spatial concepts can lead to an increase in concentration and more fun through variety in lessons. There are numerous guides for more moving learning that provide useful tips and tricks for active teaching.
In this context, Xbrick can be seen as a possibility, one of many factors, for the creation of the moving school. Practical experience shows that multifunctional furniture has an effect on behavior in a room. Xbrick encourages people to move intuitively and offers an incentive for creative and active learning through its diverse uses. Our motto here is: the more senses, the better. Teaching a curriculum in an audiovisual way basically works, but retention can be greatly increased by appealing to other senses. Moving and touching in particular have a positive effect on learning success that is worth mentioning. In addition, the body is better supplied with blood through exercise, which increases brain function and thus concentration.

Outdoor lessons in high school

Xbrick as a tool for dynamic didactics
Xbrick enables schools to make their rooms usable holistically. It’s not just about taking breaks for movement, but also about promoting the communication of content through movement-oriented spatial concepts. Through playful tasks that Xbrick integrates, new subject areas can be experienced by students in a self-determined manner. Rooms can be modified flexibly and integrally, which also expands the creative scope for teachers. From flexible seating arrangements to interactive math games and outdoor lessons, Xbrick offers a wide range of possible applications, both in class and in leisure time.
Shaping the future
If you look at classrooms today, you will notice that the room elements and their arrangement often differ little from schools from previous generations.
Xbrick is a symbol of an innovative solution that can transform conventional classrooms into lively learning environments . By encouraging students to actively learn, create and discover, we form the basis for an education that not only prepares them for the demands of the modern world, but also encourages them to actively shape it. p>
Instructions for Active Learning
Here are a few suggestions for the playful use of Xbrick in school:
“Caterpillar race”
- 2 – 4 teams, 5 students per team, 7 Xbricks per team
- Xbricks are placed in three lines one behind the other, everyone stands on an Xbrick
- 2 free Xbricks are passed from the back to the front in a human chain and placed on the floor. The team advances when the person at the front stands on the newly placed Xbrick and everyone moves up one place
- The team that reaches the agreed destination first wins

“Drum circle”
- A sitting circle made of Xbrick is formed, 1 Xbrick per student
- One student starts to drum a short rhythm. The next person has to repeat the rhythm and add their own little sequence. The next person in the circle has to repeat both previous rhythms and add something again, etc.
- The goal is to repeat the rhythm of all students one after the other in a circle

“How big is…?”
The students are given objects or animals whose size they are supposed to recreate with Xbrick, e.g. the length of a car. Later, they can measure how close the estimate is to reality.
—> By the way: We are in the middle of developing a new learning app. This makes it possible to display content or objects in the real world via a display. Creative tasks that involve arranging the Xbrick in a certain way in the room can then be scanned using the app to support them with additional information and graphics.

“Word + Picture”
- Xbricks are covered with picture and word cards, one picture and one word belong together
- Together, the students work out which pairs belong together and the words are read out loud
- If a pair is identified, the students can stack the two Xbricks on top of each other
- In addition, the English word for each term can also be added, so that three Xbricks always belong together

Photos: Bernd Kammerer
Text: Linda Daubner