It is obvious that Xbrick® are suitable as flexible seating in open-air classrooms and for group work. Especially in the hot summer, you can take the flexible furniture outside to make lessons more varied. But the Xbrick® are even more talented than you can see at first glance! The handle openings and the low weight make them the perfect stage elements for school theater performances.

Creating space for imagination and creativity
Theatre education today no longer relies on old-fashioned, traditional stage sets and richly decorated backdrops, but requires above all simple elements that are suitable for free improvisation and spontaneous playing on several levels and offer space for imagination.
Xbrick® for art!
Easy to use
The material is very stable, so you can stand on an Xbrick® without any danger. If you then put the different elements together with the X-conn connecting elements, nothing can go wrong during the theater performance – literally… You also don’t have to worry that the Xbrick® aren’t robust enough. When setting up and dismantling the stage, the blocks can even be thrown without being damaged – relatively quietly and without any risk of injury.

Unlimited possibilities
The theatre group at Schickhardt-Gymnasium has been working with the elements for the second season now. The actors and the director are completely enthusiastic about the flexibility, stability and unlimited possibilities of the Xbrick®.
One student said:
“They are so simple and ingenious, you can do so much with them! … We need more of them.”