
Xbrick® – The lightweight multifunctional furniture.
Try it out now and buy two pieces of multifunctional furniture plus connectors in the Starter Set at a particularly low introductory price.

Try it out now and buy two pieces of multifunctional furniture plus connectors in the starter set at a particularly low introductory price.

Starter set includes:
– 2x Xbrick black
– 1x X-Connector (connector made of beech wood)

239,00  inkl. MwSt.

Includes 19% Mehrwertsteuer
Delivery Time: ca. 10 Werktage

You can find all information about our products in the download area.

Xbrick auf der Focus Open 2019
Remstal Werkstätten - Die Diakonie Stetten - Logo
Der Xbrick ist Made in Germany


Multifunctional furniture href=”https://www.xbrick.eu/produkt/x-connector” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener”>X-Conn two or more Xbrick can be easily connected using the plug-in principle. This creates even more possible uses. A durable, robust companion for home, office, fitness, garden, kindergarten, workshop and much more.

handliche Griffe für leichten Transport und agiles Arbeiten

Infos rund um den Xbrick®

Size: 50 x 33.3 x 25 cm
Weight: only 1.4 kg
Material: pollutant-free, pure EPP, 100% recyclable
Load capacity: 200kg
Care: Washable with soap and water, disinfectable with ethanol. Do not clean with a high-pressure cleaner!

✓ GS tested
✓ suitable for outdoor use
✓ easy to clean
✓ non-slip
✓ recyclable
✓ free of harmful substances

20,50  inkl. MwSt.

Includes 19% Mehrwertsteuer
Delivery Time: ca. 10 Werktage

38,00  inkl. MwSt.

Includes 19% Mehrwertsteuer
Delivery Time: ca. 10 Werktage

149,00  inkl. MwSt.

Includes 19% Mehrwertsteuer
Delivery Time: ca. 10 Werktage

113,00  inkl. MwSt.

Includes 19% Mehrwertsteuer
Delivery Time: ca. 10 Werktage

188,00  inkl. MwSt.

Includes 19% Mehrwertsteuer
Delivery Time: ca. 10 Werktage

188,00  inkl. MwSt.

Includes 19% Mehrwertsteuer
Delivery Time: ca. 10 Werktage

188,00  inkl. MwSt.

Includes 19% Mehrwertsteuer
Delivery Time: ca. 10 Werktage