Xbrick®-Set: Plyo Box & Fitnesstraining

Xbrick®-Set: Plyo Box & Fitnesstraining


Our Xbrick® multifunctional furniture for your fitness training! The light and resilient tool for your training: Use the Xbrick® as a Plyo Box for your training, in Crossfit for numerous exercises and build steps for your jump training with our set. We show you how to use the Xbrick® and the Plyo Box Set correctly and specifically in your training!

Unser Xbrick®-Set Our Xbrick® Set Plyo Box and Fitness Training includes:

  • 4 x Xbrick black
  • 1 x X-belt (Belt with buckle, 5 m, black)
  • 4 x X-conn (Connectors made of beech wood)

You can find all information about the product here: Productinformationen Xbrick

1 Xbrick® has the following dimensions:
50 x 33,3 x 25 cm
Weight: only 1,4 kg
Material: Pollutant-free, pure EEP, 100% recyclable
Load capacity: 200kg

✓suitable for outdoor use ✓easy to clean
✓free of pollutants

572,00  inkl. MwSt.

Includes 19% Mehrwertsteuer
Delivery Time: ca. 10 Werktage

You can find all information about our products in the download area.

Xbrick auf der Focus Open 2019
Remstal Werkstätten - Die Diakonie Stetten - Logo
Der Xbrick ist Made in Germany

The Xbrick®–Set Plyo-Box supports you in your fitness training. Take advantage of the great features of the Xbrick, an incredibly high load capacity of up to 200 kg at a weight of only 1.4 kg. Train from anywhere and easily integrate the Xbrick as a plyo box and training tool for jumps and fitness!

The Xbrick® is perfectly designed for fitness training due to its characteristics. Compared to conventional plyo boxes, the Xbrick is much lighter and can also withstand a higher load. In addition, it can be easily and hygienically cleaned. You can find more features here: The Product features of the  Xbrick®

The 3 different side lengths of the cuboids and the combination possibilities give you a multifunctional training device. Write to us and find out more about how you can incorporate the Xbrick® into your training and equip your gym!

Made in Germany.

The dimensions of the Xbrick®
50 x 33,3 x 25 cm
Weight: only 1,4 kg
Material:  100% recyclable
Load capacity: 200kg

✓ GS-tested
✓ suitable for outdoor use
✓ easy to clean
✓ non-slip
✓ recyclable
✓ free of harmful substances

Here directly from the manufacturer + developer wd3 Gmb

Das Multifunktionsmöbel für dein Workout mit Fitnessbändern
Fitness training with the Xbrick - rowing with training band

20,50  inkl. MwSt.

Includes 19% Mehrwertsteuer
Delivery Time: ca. 10 Werktage

38,00  inkl. MwSt.

Includes 19% Mehrwertsteuer
Delivery Time: ca. 10 Werktage

149,00  inkl. MwSt.

Includes 19% Mehrwertsteuer
Delivery Time: ca. 10 Werktage

196,50  inkl. MwSt.

Includes 19% Mehrwertsteuer

113,00  inkl. MwSt.

Includes 19% Mehrwertsteuer
Delivery Time: ca. 10 Werktage

188,00  inkl. MwSt.

Includes 19% Mehrwertsteuer
Delivery Time: ca. 10 Werktage

188,00  inkl. MwSt.

Includes 19% Mehrwertsteuer
Delivery Time: ca. 10 Werktage

188,00  inkl. MwSt.

Includes 19% Mehrwertsteuer
Delivery Time: ca. 10 Werktage