Learning space design: imparting knowledge intuitively with Xbrick®.

Our society is striving to become ever more mobile, flexible and inclusive. The school system is also constantly evolving. The learning environment is an important factor when it comes to motivation and learning success. Different didactic and methodological concepts, various learning situations, varying group sizes and, last but not least, the heterogeneity and individuality of the learners themselves demand a high degree of flexibility – and at the same time represent an enormous opportunity for effective and individual learning. Creating flexible learning spaces and breaking through old, entrenched learning structures is no easy task. Restructuring applies to everything: both the education and training of teaching staff and the equipment of learning spaces. Ideally, learning landscapes and settings are created that are highly variable and can be changed quickly and easily. In these learning spaces, group work is easily facilitated as well as presentations, retreats or places for informal exchange. Xbrick® can help create these new learning spaces:

Learning space design - What does it mean?

Learning space design Create space
A dynamic learning space design means that flexible usage possibilities are created by the space itself and its furniture. Movable furniture such as the Xbrick® allows children to design their own learning settings, bring in their own ideas and work adapted to the task at hand. The Xbrick® in particular is suitable for quickly switching between individual, pair and group tasks.
By allowing learners to participate in the use of the space, they can build exactly the right environment they need for optimal learning. Moreover, helping to design their learning spaces has a motivating effect on children: they are more than mere consumers, but an active part of the learning process. This creates a learning culture in which teachers and learners can really meet at eye level and the needs of each individual child come more to the fore. With Xbrick® and our accessories, we provide elements that reconfigure learning spaces quickly and easily, making it easy for learners and teachers to create their own learning environment. Intuitively and in the blink of an eye. Made of useful materials. For indoors and outdoors.
Learning space design Create space
Learning space design Table group

Designing learning spaces - approaches by Rosan Bosch

A driving force and loud voice in the field of learning space design is Rosan Bosch. The Danish founder and creative director of Rosan Bosch Studio in Copenhagen is garnering international attention for her creative and innovative approaches to learning space structuring. The goal is to create more meaningful places, more engaging interiors, and more playful ways to perceive the world. To achieve this, the studio uses colors, materials, textures and light to create playful spaces that foster creativity, imagination and innovation. The Vittra School Telefonplan in Stockholm is probably the most famous project Rosan Bosch has been involved with. Open, playful and dynamically designed, the school offers a remarkable example concept in which there is plenty of room for modern learning methods and principles.

Learning space design with Xbrick®

Xbrick® offer incredibly versatile ways to design and use learning spaces. Especially oriented on the innovative approaches of Rosan Bosch, we have summarized here how Xbrick® can be integrated in the design of flexible learning space settings:

Key principles of Rosan Bosch

In the course of her work, Rosan Bosch has developed six key principles for designing learning spaces. You can read more about them in her book Designing for a Better World Starts at School:

This learning variant is particularly suitable for one-way communication, i.e. for frontal teaching, lectures or presentations.

Learning space design Panel platform


The Xbrick® multifunctional stool makes it easy to learn together in a group: Whether sitting in a working group or in pairs opposite each other, close to the floor or at chair height. In addition, the writable lightweight flomo board can be hung on the wall like a classic blackboard. And if the group needs a table, the flomo board can just as quickly become a storage and writing surface.

Here the focus is on concentrated individual work. Learners are provided with retreats where they can learn individually and quietly.

Learning space design Create space


Sometimes the world has to stay outside: In order to learn independently, to withdraw and be with yourself, sometimes you need secluded spaces. With Xbrick® this is no problem. In no time at all, an Xbrick® and an X-tseat create a quiet individual workstation with its own writing desk.

Campfires are all about group work. Learning spaces that promote dialogue encourage team learning.

Learning space design partition wall music choir

Show & Listen

Children learn by listening as much as they learn by showing: Therefore, settings for presentations, lectures or frontal teaching are enormously relevant. With Xbrick® the necessary structures are created quickly and easily in an open space. Learners sit either alone on a brick, side by side on the X-bench, opposite each other or arranged in a circle. The Xbrick® can also be used to build a stand or podium for lecturers. At the same time, the flomo whiteboards are used, which can be placed freely in the room with the help of the practical easels flomo easel. This way, presentation settings can be created anywhere and at any time. Another option is the flomo geckos: these suction cups can be attached to glass panes in no time at all. There are also innovative ideas for outdoor teaching, as the flomo x-belt is a Velcro strap that can be fastened around trees or pillars.

As in the African savannah, all animals meet at the waterhole. In a school context, this means that different students can meet at the waterhole and exchange ideas in a relaxed atmosphere.

Learning space design Create space


Inspired by Rosan Bosch’s watering hole, the Xbrick® is sometimes also about using spaces for informal learning while sharing with others. Here it is important to equip an open space with elements that are flexible, light in weight and easy to handle – and quiet when rearranging. Xbrick®, as a handy multifunctional stool, is ideal for this task. Whether it’s for sitting on, setting it up, laying it down, or using it as a team with the flomo whiteboards to mark walls or sketch things. The Xbrick® is unbeatable when it comes to spontaneously creating the most diverse interaction and communication places from just a few building blocks.

This is where children get active. The focus is on practice. Complementing theoretical learning, practical experience and learning can be had through art rooms, sound studios or laboratories.

Learning space design table

Do It!

As with Rosan Bosch, hands-on experience and exploration is enormously important. Learning through experimentation and hands-on play means grasping things, literally. Children benefit enormously from the opportunity to tinker, try things out, make music and be artistically active. Xbrick® also invites them to do this. Whether for designing the room to provide a framework for discovery, or for three-dimensional experimentation with the building blocks themselves.

Movement is important and can be useful in many different ways in learning space design. Learning content, for example, can be combined directly with movement. However, sports and physical activity are at the same time an important balance to be able to concentrate again and again throughout the day.

Learning space design Teambuilding


Learning in and with movement and bringing dynamics into learning spaces has great advantages: However, this requires flexible furniture that is lightweight yet stable and indestructible. That’s what the Xbrick® multifunctional stool offers, which quickly becomes a piece of sports equipment that invites learners to move around, whether indoors or outdoors.